Your search for "Ceva Salute Animale" return 77 results.
Conigli >
Ceva ha investito risorse importanti per questo settore della coniglicoltura.
Benvenuti nella generazione CLAS >
I laboratori Ceva Santè Animale hanno messo a punto un flacone dotato di una tecnologia unica: Ceva Layered Anti Shatter.
Ruminanti >
Ceva propone una ricca e completa gamma di prodotti in grado di soddisfare le molteplici esigenze degli operatori del settore bovino e ovi-caprino.
Il tuo cane ha paura dei rumori forti? >
ADAPTIL è un prodotto efficace e sicuro che consente un approccio ecologico allo stress del cane che rispetta il suo naturale comportamento.
Avvertenze legali >
Condizioni generali per la consultazione del sito.
Focus on responsibility >
As a global leader in animal health, CEVA Santé Animale embraces its social responsibility to not only contribute towards animal and human welfare, but to do so in a responsible and ethical way. That...
Contributions >
An astounding 75% of emerging human diseases are of animal origin. Ceva Santé Animale is making a huge contribution in the global fight against brucellosis, avian flu, and other zoonoses such as Q-fev...
Support programmes >
Ceva and the SOS project The Stamp Out Sleeping sickness (SOS) campaign is a public private partnership launched in Kampala in Uganda in October 2006. This partnership was formed in response to an eme...
Business and scientific partnerships >
Ceva Santé Animale works with an extensive network of business and scientific institutions worldwide. By fostering partnerships with universities, institutes, private and public research centres, Ceva...
As members of today’s rapidly changing global community, Ceva Santé Animale and our partners are working together to respond to three of the major environmental concerns of our time: user and consumer...